
Important innovations have been introduced in the design world with the advent of the BIM methodology and the concept of Interoperability.

This poses new challenges and ways of organizing the work of manufacturers and design studios but also some questions:

  • will we still be able to use the old Eulumdat or IES LM-63 file?
  • or should we instead move on to new data structures, more powerful than the previous ones, taking into consideration the regulatory development?
  • what is the current state and what is being worked on?
  • will BIM affect the world of lighting or vice versa?

OxyTech Srl proposes the Webinar "What is the future of data exchange in the lighting industry? BIM and much more" that will be hold next December 3rd from 9.00 to 10.00 CET.

It will be hold by:

    • Eng. Giampiero Bellomo, expert in the BIM world and UNI delegate in several national and international BIM commissions
    • Arch. Roberto Corradini, Lighting Designer and member of many UNI commissionsI
    • Stefano Borsani, OxyTech
    • Join the Webinar