
Webcatalog (Wg)  is the Cloud of LITESTAR 4D, the Web system that that facilitates and speeds up the flow of information regarding data between manufacturers and customers.

It uses a simple  but sophisticated responsive design to make the search, display and management of the characteristics of luminaires and light sources fast and easy on:

  • computers
  • tablets
  • smartphones

Wg - Advantages 

  • uses the same product database as LITESTAR 4D
  • it is an extremely flexible and practical system: only 3 clicks of the mouse to get the desired information
  • it is available in standard or customized configuration
  • it can be used stand-alone or directly within the company sites in I-Frame mode
  • it is available in over 20 languages

Wg - Functions

Wg includes the following functions:

  • Search:
    • Panoramic through the definition of a series of parameters
    • by Technical Data which can be configured by the users according to their needs (at a maximum of 3 levels)
    • by Application starting from the image of the families and types
    • from the Catalog through product codes and descriptions
  • data sheets management in more than 20 languages
  • Drag&Drop, to transfer the product data from the WebCatalog to LITESTAR 4D (Litecalc and Liswin) in a simple and practical way 

Wg and the Pv Web technology

Wg adopts Photoview Web, the Web server for the automatic management of graphic and text photometric files (LDT, IES etc.) generated in real time according to the designer's choice.

All you need to do is to upload the OXL file of the product and Pv Web will convert the information into the desired formats, saving a lot of time for you.

Wg R1 Configuration

Wg can be configured also in R1 mode, thei Wg of Wgs, useful, for example, for branches of manufacturers or distributors who need to:

  • update products in real time 
  • be able to group different brands or product lines within the same Wg R1
  • filter the products of interest according to the their needs
  • able to integrate the data of companies ot having their own Wg in their Wg R1
  • manage product prices
  • be able to modify the product codes
  • print technical sheets in their own language

  Watch the introduction film about WebCatalog 7

  Watch the demo film about WebCatalog 7

  Watch the film about Novvalight Case History

Contact our Customer Service por further information.
