LITESTAR 4D, general functions
General   Open Pro Plus
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Launcher - Services Manager to:

  • launch of the different modules of LITESTAR 4D
  • access to news about the developments of SW, HW and Services
  • Check License - management of LITESTAR 4D User License
  • Language – change of the language of use of the program
  • Tutorials – access to section  Tutorials about LITESTAR 4D
  • Tips – access to section Tips (short films) about LITESTAR 4D
  • Program Update - check for available program updates
  • - access to the OxyTech website
  • LITESTAR Project - access to the presentation of our Mission
  • Purchase - access to section E-commerce for the acquisition of LITESTAR 4D licenses 


  Photoview, program module for the management of photometries, spectrometries and laboratory data

Data Management Functions Open Pro Plus

Data management for the visible field (380-780 nm - photopic vision) including:

  • 2D matrices of intensities
  • 2D matrices of the intensities derived from 3D matrices produced by goniospectrometry


Data management for the horticultural field (400-700 nm) with 2D matrices in PAR units obtained from 3D goniospectrometries (Available with Horti Plus)


Data management for the UV field (200-400 nm) with 2D matrices obtained from 3D goniospectrometry (Available with UV-IR Plus)

  Data Import
  Import of  LDT – IES LM-63 (86-91-95-02) - IES TM-33-18 (IESxml) – Cibse – TM14 - CIE102 – LTLI (Scandinavia) – Saastan (Australia – New Zealand) – UNI 11733:2019 (UNIxml) files 
  Import of OXL files (XML OxyTech) including photometry, spectrum, electrical parameters for the power supply of both luminaire and source, laboratory data and product images
  Import of .RAW files (multispectra files generated by OxyTech goniopohotometers when measuring spectrum according to EN 13032-4:2015, IES LM79-08 e IES LM-79-2019)
  Data Export
  Export of LDT – IES LM-63 (86-91-95-02) - IES TM-33-18 – Cibse – TM14 - CIE102 – LTLI (Scandinavia) – Saastan (Australia – New Zealand) – UNI 11733:2020 (UNIxml) files (only the photometric part)
  Export of OXL files (XML OxyTech) including photometry, laboratory data, electrical parameters regarding both luminaire and light source as well as product images 
  Export of IES TM-33-18 (IESxml) – UNI 11733:2020 (UNIxml) (only the photometric part)    
  Export of OXL files (XML OxyTech) including spectrum/spectra, driving currents charts, advanced instruments chart, standard list, chart of uncertainties of the measurement parameters

  Management of product image, photometry, spectrum and technical data of the measurement (instrumentation data, electrical and environmental parameters, etc.) that can be saved in OXL files

Management of management of LED drivers source currents with the possibility of inputting n series of values of source currents, flux and total absorbed power by the luminaire  (minimum 1+2 series of values) with automatic definition of the polygonal sections which approximate the flux and power curves according to the current.

  • It also includes the function for the automatic calculation of flux, power and current starting from 1 out 3 values.
  • The current, flux and power values can be saved in OXL files.

Management of instrument charts, measurement standards and laboratory uncertainties with saving functions of the different configurations for subsequent use with other measurements.

Charts can be saved in OXL files

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Management of the product imagest (4), of the references (2), of the instruments (2), of the signatures of the laboratory managers (2), of the certification logo (1) and of the QR Code according to the EU standard 2019-2015
Photometric tables saving in txt file
Graph saving in raster files (BMP-JPG-PCX-PNG-TGA) of polar, Cartesian and glare (Soellner) diagrams
Graph saving in raster files (BMP-JPG-PCX-PNG-TGA) of luminaires and sources for the UE 2019-2015 labels, beam opening and zonal diagrams, isolux, isocandle and isoluminance curves, BUG graphs (IES TM-15) and efficiency curves, SHR diagram for emergency lighting systems
Graph saving in vector files Dxf-PS-EPS
  Graph saving in SVG vector files for Web applications

Automatic conversion of FDB LTS10 files into OXL files (FILE/Batcher/FDB > OXL function)
  Automatic conversion of n LDT, IES LM-63 (86-91-95-02), IES TM-33-18 (IESxml), Saastan, (Australia – New Zealand), UNI 11733-19 (UNIxml) and/or OXL files in n LDT, IES, IES TM-33-18 (IESxml), Saastan,UNI 11733-19 (UNIxml) and OXL or graphs (FILE/Batcher/Dir to Dir function) according to the list set by the user

Saving the configurations of graphs and charts set by the user with the FILE/Custom Print function for subsequent selections

Photo-spectrometric data processing functions Open Pro Plus

Visible range (380-780 nm)

Spectra processing including:

  • Spectrum display
  • Color plane display including color point according to CIE 1931 (x,y), CIE 1960 (u,v), CIE 1976 (u',v')
  • Determination of integrated flux by goniospectrometry
  • Values of CCT, D(uv), Delta(u'v'), CRI8 with Ra and CRI15, S/P (Scotopic/Photopic) and M/P (Melanopic/Photopic) ratios according to different standards
  • Histogram and pie charts of the CRI
  • McAdams analysis charts and graphs (analysis of the color deviation regarding the same luminaire)
  • Graphs of the color classification according to IES TM-30-18 including:
    • assesment of parameters Rf (Fidelity) and Rg (Gamut) 
    • Color Evaluation Sample graph with 99 samples and 16 Bin (Fidelity according to hue)
    • Color Distortion and Color Vector Graphic  graphs
    • Rf according to Rg graph
    • Chroma shift by bin and Hue shift by bin graphs

  • Visible spectrum analysis per bands with chart displaying radiant flux and percentage according to the different bands

Management of the photometric intensity table (matrix) in cd or cd/klm including the following functions:

  • normalization
  • 100% flux setting (absolute measurements)
  • equalization, addition, multiplication and division by a constant
  • average and interpolation of a row of values
  • rotation around the axes
  • copy and paste of a single value or a group of them
  • management of the luminaire matrix rotation and definition of the tilting angle
  • management of the symmetrization and conversion of the matrix in different formats or in the same formats but with different interpolated angular steps
Horticultural range (400-700 nm)

Spectra processing including the following functions:

  • Spectrum display
  • Color plane display including color point according to  CIE 1931 (x, y), CIE 1960 (u, v), CIE 1976 (u ', v')
  • Determination of PAR flux by goniospectrometry
  • CCT value
  • Spectrum graph in PAR units with band selector
  • PAR parameters chart: PPF (Photonsynthetical Photon Flux), YPPF (Yield PPF), YPPF/PPF, R/B Ratio
  • PPF/W efficacy


Management of the photometric matrix of PAR intensities in [mmol/(sr*s)] including  the following functions:

  • normalization
  • 100% flux setting (absolute measurements)
  • equalization, addition, multiplication and division by a constant
  • average and interpolation of a row of values
  • rotation around the axes
  • copy and paste of a single value or a group of them
  • management of the luminaire matrix rotation and definition of the tilting angle
  • management of the symmetrization and conversion of the matrix in different formats or in the same formats but with different interpolated angular steps


UV range (Ultra-Violet (200-400 nm):

Spectra processing including:

  • Spectrum display
  • Color plane display with color point (only for the visible part of UV radiation) according to CIE 1931 (x,y), CIE 1960 (u,v), CIE 1976 (u',v')
  • Integrated flux by goniospectrometry
  • Spectrum graph divided into UV-A, UV-B and UV-C bands
  • Chart of Radiant Flux parameters in [W] and [%] and Radiometric Effecacs divided into UV, UV-A, UV-B and UV-C, Visible and IR bands


Management of Radiometric matrix of radiant intensities in [W/sr] including the following functions:

  • normalization
  • 100% flux setting (absolute measurements)
  • equalization, addition, multiplication and division by a constant
  • average and interpolation of a row of values
  • rotation around the axes
  • copy and paste of a single value or a group of them
  • management of the luminaire matrix rotation and definition of the tilting angle
  • management of the symmetrization and conversion of the matrix in different formats or in the same formats but with different interpolated angular steps

Polar and Cartesian Diagram
UGR Chart and Glare Soellner diagram

IPEA* Energy Efficiency assessment for road luminaires according to Italian Ministerial Decree 27 9 2017 

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IPEA report* printout including energy label:

  • single for a single classification of the area
  • and multiple to consider all possible classifications of the area


Energy efficiency assessment of light sources according to EU 2019:2015 standard

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Report printout according to EU standard 2019:2015 with energy label, classification parameters, product image and validation

Merging of 2 photometric matrices (measurements) equal or different by defining the type of union and the orientation of each one
CIE Reduced Utilization Factors
Visualization of photometry in 3D
Beam opening diagram with the possibility of defining the opening and the type between European or Nema (USA)
Zonal Flux diagram according to CIE
Photometric classifications DIN 5040 - UTE 121 - CIE - BZ
Isolux curves configurable by the operator
Multiple projection isocandela curves with definition of the inclination
CIE - IES - EN 13201 Road photometric classification 
IES TM15 (BUG) Road classification 
Luminance diagram
SHR diagram and table for emergency luminaires (EN 1838)
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Report Plus

Management and printout  of the complete photo-spettrometric report including product images, photometric reference, instruments,  device under test data and measurement data, as well as standard, instrument and uncertainties lists (via File/Batcher/Dir to Dir functions…)


  Lisdat, catalog data management
General Open Pro Plus
Automatic activation of the manufacturer's catalog (for manufacturers only)
Creation of 1 catalog folder (free catalog for designers)
Creation of n catalog folders (free catalogs for designers)
Manual catalog data entry (texts, images, technical data sheet, linked documents..)
Import of OXL and OXC files into both protected and free catalogs
Import of LDT-IES-OXL files into protected catalogs for manufacturers
Import of LDT-IES-OXL files into free catalogs for designers
Management of commercial, electrical, energy, photometric, and mechanical parameters, norms and marks
Management of the energy label of light sources according to UE 874/2012

  Litecalc, lighting design project in the visible, horticultural and technical irradiation fields in the UV field, 2D/3D file management and photorealistic rendering
General Open Pro Plus

Definition of project area in:

  • wizard mode - the user sets some parameters and data according to which the program automatically creates a indoor or outdoor rectangular or L-shaped area
  • advanced mode - the user freely creates the area by using the mouse and charts, drawing the perimeter step by step through straight or curved segments. A Dxf file or an image can also be used as a background

2D (Dxf) file import to be used as background with parameter definition window to specify parameters such as position, scale and offset

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Import of a background image useful for defining the perimeter


Export  of a project in 3D Dxf files including room or area, selected results (values and isolux curves) as well as luminaires.

All element are divided into layers according to the type, such as results, luminaires and room or area.

Import of 3D 3DS and Obj files with parameter definition window to specify parameters such as position, rotation, scale and offsett
Import of furniture and objects from files (3DS or Obj) and management of furniture created using the the Extruded Object function
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Management of 3D furniture import and export in OXF format (OxyTech proprietary format)

Area perimeter and extruded object modification with the possibility of defining new rectilinear and curved segments

Insertion of luminaires from:

  • LDT, IES LM-63, IES TM-33, Saastan, UNI 11733:2020 (UNIxml), IES TM-33-19 and/or OXL files (the OXL also allows to manage the image printed on reports)
  • Local DB (Liswin) - The Database is open so the user can import his/her own LDT, IES, OXL etc. files.
  • DB Web (WebCatalog)
  • catalog of the most frequently used products

Management of the duplication of single luminaires or objects


Management of the multiple duplication of luminaires or objetcts following a rectiliniear or curved line or even a circle


Management of structures/masts with dynamic arrangement of luminaires that can be positioned on the structure/mast both by rows and columns and freely moved.

The structure/mast can be aimed as well as the luminaires positioned on it


Luminaire aiming using both, axis and aiming arrow that can be enabled by clicking on the aiming arrow or on the luminaire

Management of luminaires, furniture and extruded objects layers
Management of the ON-OFF layers for switching single luminaires or group of luminaires
Management of textures for each surface of the room or objects, even extruded ones
Management of regular and irregular working planes with rectilinear or curved segments
  Spectral calculation using both 2D intensity matrices and  emission spectra of the luminaire

Display of calculation results regarding:

  • illuminances/PPFD/horizontal, vertical, cylindrical,
    semicylindric irradiances (UV), as well as
  • luminances (only in the visibe field)

in result matrices that can be displayed directly on the area of interest with uniformity ratios

Results display using regular or irregular zoom areas with straight or curved segments
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Configuration of the list of results and graphical representations for automatic reopening at the end of subsequent calculations

Project printout according to the following chapters:

  • General information
  • Project Data and Results
  • Area views
  • Luminaire Data
  • Summary
  • Renderings
Indoor Lighting Open Pro Plus
Norms: EN 12464
Wizard for indoor lighting project with rectilinear walls so as to draw a rectangular or L-shaped room
Advanced indoor lighting project (free) with rectilinear or curvilinear walls to draw a room with an irregular plan
Free arrangement of single luminaires or of groups of luminaires
Automatic luminaire arrangement (CIE 52 total flux method)
Glare calculation according to the UGR (CIE) and VCP (USA) system with definition of the sight directrix
Emergency Lighting Open Pro Plus
Norms: EN 1838
Wizard for indoor lighting project with rectilinear walls so as to draw a rectangular or L-shaped room    
Luminaire automatic positioning and calculation  
Free luminaire positioning

Emergency Plus:

  • Management of escape routes, safety points and high-risk areas
  • Automatic arrangement of luminaires and calculation  with verification of correspondence to standard values
  • Free luminaire positioning
Road Lighting Open Pro Plus
Recommendations: CIE 30 - CIE 140
Norms: EN 13201:2003 + 2015 - UNI 10439 - UNI 10819
Wizard project of straight roads with standard configuration according to different standards and recommendations with the possibility of defining carriageways and sidewalks as well as the type of pavement
Advanced project of straight road sections with the possibility of adding carriageways, sidewalks, parking lanes as well as pedestrian and cycle paths that can be classified according to the standards
fTI  Glare calculation
Light pollution calculation according to UNI 10819
  IPEI* (Italian Ministerial Decree 27 9 2017, which became Law in the Italian State in December 2017) Energy Efficiency Calculation
Spanish Royal Decree 1890 regarding Energy Efficiency Calculation
Automatic verification of compliance with EN 13201: 2003 and 2015 standards regarding the results of the calculations
Calculation of parameters DP (Power Density Indicator) and DE (Annual Energy Consumption Indicator) according to norm 13201-5:2015
Assessment of the Energy Performance at full power or with regulation systems according to norm 13201-5:2015

Road Plus

Automatic calculation of the lighting of n straight roads featuring:

  • data input through an Input Excel file
  • saving of n project files in prj format
  • saving of n project report files in PDF format
  • generation of an Excel Output file summarizing all the calculated parameters for each individual project
  • print n projects to PDF files using Microsoft Print to PDF (from version 7.00)

The program includes the management of the values ranges which allows the optimization according to the parameters of interdistance of 2 consecutive poles, installation height, retraction of the pole or inclination of the luminaire. In this case the program automatically generates n lines of the Excel file, as many as the ranges.

It allows then to perform the calculation on the same project with one or more photometries.

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Range parameters now also include the maintenance factor

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Definition of derating steps and tolerances on illuminance and luminance values

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Definition of operating factor

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Current optimization function: the program, based on the installation parameters, determines the optimal solution for the power supply current of the luminaire's LEDs.

The calculation is possible using OXL files configured with flux and power curves according to the supply current.

At the end of the optimization, the program reports the optimum current, flux and power values in the Excel Output file to comply with the luminance value required by the standard

Current optimization function: the program, based on the system parameters, determines the optimal solution for the power supply current of the luminaire's LEDs.

The calculation is possible using OXL files configured with flow and power curves as a function of the supply current.

At the end of the optimization, the program reports the optimum current, flux and power values in the Excel Output file to comply with the luminance value required by law

The optimization function allows a time saving of 2 orders of magnitude compared to the previous version (example: the calculation time goes from 45 minutes to 15 seconds)


Sports Areas Lighting Open Pro Plus
Norms: EN 12193-2018 – FIFA 2022 – UEFA 2016 – Federation Française de Football 2021

Wizard project for exteriors with straight segment perimeter for rectangular or L-shaped areas

Advanced (free) project for exteriors with perimeter of the area in straight or curved segments so as to draw irregular plans

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Sport Plus

Advanced management of the lighting design of sports areas including the following functions:

  • definition of the general area of the sports facility, origin with respect to the absolute system of axes and background color of the surface
  • definition of the sports playing area, dimensions and calculation grids and color of the surface, choice of the type of sport, the standard and the lighting class according to the selected standard
  • definition of the high mast including its position and height, definition of the number of luminaires and interdistances for regular arrangement (it is then possible to freely arrange the luminaires in the space)
  • luminaire choice

Management of high masts  
Horizontal (Eh) and vertical (Ev) 4 directions (+X -X +Y -Y) illuminance calculation)
Illuminance calculation in the direction of TV
Cylindrical and semi cylindrical illuminance calculation
Glare calculation (GR)
Spectators Illuminance Calculation (FIFA 2011)
Calculation of the MAUR (Minimum Adjacent Uniformity Ratio) according to FIFA 2016

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Gradient Calculation

Tunnel Lighting Open Pro Plus
Recommendations: CIE 88:2004/td>
Norms: EN CR 14380 - OC/36-2015 (Spain) - UNI 11095:2003 - UNI 11095:2011 - UNI 11095:2019 - UNI 11095:2021
Wizard project of straight tunnels ith standard configuration according to standards and recommendations with the possibility of defining carriageways and sidewalks as well as the section of the tube in a parametric way
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Tunnel Plus

Advanced tunnel project with straight sections of road with the possibility of freely adding carriageways and sidewalks classifiable according to the regulations

Definition of the tunnel section parametrically

Possibility of choosing the standard to be used between:

  • CIE-88-2004
  • EN CR 14380
  • OC/36-2015 (Spain)
  • UNI 11095:2003
  • UNI 11095:2011
  • UNI 11095:2019 (Method A + Method B - Semplified according to Chapter H.1.3)
  • UNI 11095:2021 (Method A + Method B - Semplified according to Chapter H.1.3)
Luminance curve definition with Adrian's diagram, trend being defined by the user through a table of values or by means of the L luminance value outside the tunnel
Luminance curve definition with L20 system
Management of luminaire at constant and variable interdistances

Management of the switching of group of luminaires through a layer

Calculation of illuminances and luminances on the road
Calculation of illuminances and luminances on the walls of the tunnel  
Calculation of illuminances on virtual vertical walls  
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Display of results in sections of road according to the different sections of the luminance curve, sections that can be modified or created according to needs  
  Calculation of fTI glare with the possibility of exporting the fTI in a CSV file
Rendering Open Pro Plus
Real-Time rendering
Ray-Tracing 640x480 px
Ray-Tracing with the possibility of choosing the resolution up to HD

  Liswin, interactive electronic catalog
General Open Pro Plus
Management of luminaires and light sources

Creation of 1 free product catalog by importing the data contained in files of the following formats: OXL, LDT, IES LM-63, IES TM-33 e UNIxml

N.B. – the database can be integrated with the WebCatalogs made available by the manufacturers. These WebCatalogs are protected and, therefore, not modifiable, so the user can consult them and use them but not modify them. Contact OxyTech Customer Service for more information.

Creation of n free products catalogs by importing the data contained in files of the following formats: OXL, LDT, IES LM-63, IES TM-33, UNIxml

N.B. – the database can be integrated with the WebCatalogs made available by the manufacturers. These WebCatalogs are protected and, therefore, not modifiable, so the user can consult them and use them but not modify them. Contact OxyTech Customer Service for more information.

Local parametric search
Parametric search via WebCatalog … the Cloud
Tree search at 3 levels
Search by product code or description
Automatic search of updates of locally available products via WebCatalog … the Cloud
Drag&Drop from manufacturers' WebCatalogs
Liswin-Photoview link for the automatic acquisition of light sources data
Management of product technical sheets in several different formats and languages
Management of accessory files (mounting instructions, certificates, etc.) in PDF format
Import of manufacturers’ data Plug-ins
Import of OXL-LDT-IES files via Drag&Drop

Export of OXL files including all the input data, images and texts in different formats linked to the product (PDF, DOC, XLS etc.)



Export of UNIxml files (UNI 11733 standard) according to the Italian Ministerial Decree 27/9/2017 CAM - Minimum Environmental Criteria- (addition of the CAM section including the data of the technical data sheet data in compliance with CAM)

Management of price lists and currency
Management of multiple section product specifications
Management of offers and price lists

  WebCatalog, interactive electronic catalog via Cloud


General Open Pro Plus

Parametric search

Product tree search which can be configured at 3 levels

Search by product code or description (Search from the catalog)

Search by product type (Search by Application)

Download of PDF, XLS and DOC files
  Download of photometric files in the following formats: LDT, IES LM-63, IES TM-33, OXL and UNIxml
  Download of BIM: IFC files
  Download of CAD: DWG, DXF, RFA (Revit) files

Gestione schede tecniche in oltre 20 lingue con possibilità di stampa in PDF

Management of technical data sheets in more than 20 languages with possibility of printing in PDF

Download of the accessory documents of products
Drag&Drop of the product data of a manufacturer’s WebCatalog into Litecalc and Liswin