
Lambda Research Corporation proposes the Webinar "Luminance, Radiance, and Photorealistic Rendering in TracePro" that will be hold next July 1st 2020:

  • first session: from 10am EDT to 11am EDT
  • second session: from 4pm EDT to 6pm EDT

In this webinar we look at setting up and running luminance, radiance, and photorealistic rendering raytraces in TracePro.  

Topics to be covered include:

  • What is luminance, radiance, and photorealistic rendering and how are they different?
  • Why would you need to use luminance, radiance, and photorealistic rendering?
  • How to set up the 2 different options for luminance and radiance raytraces in TracePro
  • Setting up photorealistic rendering in TracePro
  • Luminance, radiance, and photorealistic rendering options
  • Question and Answer session

Who should attend:

Optical designers, engineers, and anyone else who would like to learn how to perform luminance, radiance, and photorealistic rendering in TracePro for modeling and analyzing the performance of displays, light guides, and backlights.

  • Find more information and register
  • Access the Product Training section of Lambda Research Website
  • Access Lambda Research Website