
Lambda Research Corporation proposes the Course "Introduction to TracePro" that will be hold next September 14th and 15th 2021 from 16:00 CEST to 18:00 CEST.

This four-hour, instructor-led, online training course will provide the attendee with a great starting point for using TracePro and getting useful results right away. This course will be a mixture of lecture and hands-on examples. In the examples we will develop a model from beginning to end, from model creation to final analysis. A digital copy of the course notes will be supplied to all attendees. Attendees wishing to complete the examples during the class must provide their own TracePro license.

Topics to be covered include:

Session 1 (14th September, 2021)

 Introduction to TracePro

  • TracePro User Interface
  • TracePro menus
  • TracePro help

 Modeling in TracePro

  • Importing models from CAD
  • Importing lens design files
  • Making models in TracePro

 Applying properties

  • Types of properties in TracePro
  • Applying properties to objects and surfaces

 Defining sources

  • Source types: Grid Source, Surface Source Properties, Ray/file sources

Session 2 (15th September, 2021)


  • Raytrace modes: Analysis and Simulation 
  • Running raytraces

Analyzing results

  • Radiometry and Photometry terms
  • Analysis tools in TracePro including:
    • Irradiance/Illuminance Maps
    • Candela Plots
    • Luminance/Radiance Maps
    • Others
  • Photorealistic Rendering