Photoview - Photometric and Spectrometric Data Management
  • Storage of print settings in Custom Print Settings that allows a more dynamic management; also available for Photoview Batcher Batcher

  • Management of luminaire source currents and and storage of all configurations in a single OXL file from which n combinations of LDT, IES, … files can be created

  • Management of laboratory instruments used for each test including the management of correction factors derived from instrument calibrations
  • Management of the standards used to perform the tests
  • Management of laboratory uncertainties
  • Storage of the above mentioned data in a single OXL file which simplifies the management of the reports
  Litecalc - Lighting Design and Planning
  • Dynamic management of masts and luminaire groups with the possibility of dividing them into layers so as to organize the different ignitions

  • Management of aimings in different views such as plan, 3D and section
  • Symmetry of towers, luminaire groups and objects according to one or two axes

  • Management of luminaire source currents individually or in groups

  • Linear duplication function