Photoview - Photometric and Spectrometric Data Management


  • The option to save the measurement between relative-absolute for photo-colorimetric files in IESxml (IES TM-33-18) and UNIxml (UNI 11733: 2019) has been added
  • The display of graphs and tables in small monitors has been improved
  • Bug-fix – the IPEA* calculation and evaluation has been modified in case of values between classes


  • Calculation has been enhanced and sections Variation and Standard Table have been added
  • Graphic layout of the table has been modified


  • HCL Melanopic Lux – the management of the 4 methods (Curves not normalized, Berman/Clear 2019, WELL and CIE S026)
  • The function for defining the unit of measurement has been introduced when importing single spectra from csv, txt or Excel files


  • A source modification block has been added photo-colorimetric data come from Liswin
  • Saving files from Liswin has been modified: the program did not show the path and the name of the original file

  Litecalc - Lighting Design and Planning

Default Projects

  • A Web icon has been added. It allows to access the Accessory Files for LITESTAR 4D section where a  Litecalc Default Projects (such as soccer field, rugby field etc.) page has been added


  • The numbering of masts and luminaires has been introduced in pannels of the masts
  • The numbering for the individual luminaires as well as for the corresponding aimings has been included
  • Undo (Ctrl-Z) and Redo (Ctrl-Y) functions have been added

Tunnels - UNI 11095:2019

  • The management of double speed, both outside (Vre) and inside (Vri) has been added
  • The management of manual entry of meteorological visibility has been introduced
  • The orientation of the results of the right wall both on screen and in printouts has been modified
  • Bug-fix - speed definition error Vre over 100 km/h has been fixed
  • Bug-fix - Lseq calculation according to UNI 11095: 2019 Simplified A + B method has been enhanced

UGR Calculations

  • The UGR calculation, which in some cases gave incorrect results, has been fixed


  • The different sections of the printouts and their ordering have been rearranged
  • The grahic layout have been modified

  Liswin - Interactive Electronic Catalog
  • Bug Fix – the error that occurred in the creation of catalogs when using License A has been fixed: previously the program allowed to create only 1 catalog instead of n catalogs
  • BugFix - the error that occurred when importing entire catalogs using the BEF Import function has been fixed