LITESTAR 4D - General Functions

New program graphical layout for icons and splash windows

  • The program image was renovated with new icons and program splash windows

New Type A License of Use

  • The new LITESTAR 4D License A is now available:  you can today rent the program even for a limited period of time

  Photoview - Photometric and Spectrometric Data Management


  • It has been implemented:
    • the color planes following the (u, v) and (u’, v’) tristimulus coordinates
    • the function to normalize and de-normalize a spectrum
    • the function to export the integrated spectrum or the whole spectrum components defined through a goniospectrometry into a CSV file 
  • The new graphical sections for:
    • the CRI (istogram and radar diagram)
    • the McAdam's elipses with related ANSI C78-376 classification were implemented
  • The color temperature (CCT) calculation has been refined when importing from .RAW files generated from spectrometric measurements with OxyTech goniophotometers or from generic spectrum files


New photometric and spectrometric IES TM-33-18 and UNI 11733 UNIxml data interchange files

  • The new features to import and export photometric and spectrometric Standard IES TM-33-18 and UNI 11733:2019 (UNIxml) data interchange files have been implemented, as the features to convert the OXL, LDT and IES files into the new formats.

Note: the features to manage photometric, spectrometric and laboratory tool data together with the Italian CAM section have been implemented (this last section is managed by Liswin).  The remaining 2 sections of the standard will be implemented in a second step (please refer to the hortocultaral sector etc.)

IPEA* - Italian Ministry of Environment - CAM September 27th 2017

  • Bug-Fix
    • The program did not print the company logo: the error was corrected
    • Some parameters of the IPEA * document were not aligned with the input window: fixed

  Photoview Web - Photometric and Spectrometric Data Management on the Web

Photoview Web

  • Photoview Web is the new Photometric Web Server allowing to automatically generate on request photometric (only LDT and IES) and graphical (only polar and cartesian diagrams for the time being) files.  Photoview Web is today active for OxyTech's Webcatalogs and it's enough to upload a single OXL file via ftp and Photoview Web will automatically generate the requested files.

  Litecalc - Lighting Design and Planning


  • Menu and Toolbar standardization
    • Calculations Menu: the Delete Results entry has been added
    • The ScreenShot, PseudoColor and ToneMapping features were moced from the Tools Menu to the Calculation Menu
  • Project opening
    • The 3D view is set now with Results and Textures
  • Image management with OXL - It is now possible to manage the images of the products contained in the OXL files (as for example for OXL files with photometry + image generated by Photoview) directly in the project without having to go through Liswin. This allows you to save images in the project file to be used for subsequent processing, both on the same computer and on others. In addition, the products selected in Litecalc by Liswin include OXL files with the image of the product that can, even in this case, be saved in the project file 
  • It is now possible to use the photometries in IES TM-33-18 and UNI 11733 (UNIxml) format for the projects
  • The luminaire power field at the Luminaire Modify Window is now editable like the flux one. It allows to manage different fluxes at different current/power levels typical of LED sources



  • Project opening from command line
    • The automatic opening of the project file after double clicking on the file itself has beed added


  • Luminaires editing - Replacement
    • The program now maintains the maintenance factor defined previously for the replaced luminaire (previously it was always returned to default 0.80 value)
  • Luminaire Data - Introduced the possibility to change the power of the laire, in addition to the flux of the single source, in the device data management windows. The changes in flux and power can be made directly in the columns of the Lamps / Sources table by editing the relevant fields with a simple click. It is useful for calculating LED luminaires with different settings
  • Bug-Fix
    • Corrected the error in importing LDT/IES files: previously the import of the luminaire code and the measurement code was wrong

Grouping management

  • Improved Undo management of groups by introducing the relevant commands at all levels
  • Add Luminaires in Groups - the luminaire deletion flag is now disabled by default while it is maintained for the Internal Wizard where the flag is active by default
  • Bug-Fix
    • Fixed the crash error when unparenting a group or trying to do the same on a group without luminaires
    • Fixed the error in duplicating groups when grouping 2 luminaires into a group and then duplicating it; in the Luminaires Tab the photometry of the duplicated luminaire did not appear
    • Fixed the error in the case of group undoing and subsequent Undo: the program used to crash
    • Group Command Crash: the program crashed if all the objects were deselected, then the group command was executed, then pressed Undo and then Redo
    • The program was in a loop if the new designated parent was a child of a node to be parented
    • The program crashed if several nodes were deleted at the same time and at least one of them was in the chain of children and then the Undo was pressed

Advanced Roads

  • Road automatica calculation and optimizer
    • The function to manage multiple calculations automatically using input Excel files in which to define the characteristics of roads, sidewalks and parking areas has been implemented. The program reads any line of the Excel file, explodes the different configurations, calculates all the parameters and automatically save the project file, writing the calculated parameters at the Output Excel file 
  • Row duplication
    • The function to duplicate a row of luminaires has been implemented
  • Pole and pole-arm viewing management
    • The feature to show or not the pole and/or the pole-arm in road installations has been added
  • Some improvements have been introduced in the management of the tables of the Advanced Roads module:
    • it is now possible to delete the circuit from the device rows
    • the individual parameter cells can be edited by a single click instead of 2 as it was before
    • the lists of the multiple choice fields (the so-called ListBox) have now highlighted the current value
  • Bug-Fix
    • Advanced Tunnel / Roads Project - Entering the editing window of the Advanced Tunnel Project and then the Advanced Roads one it was no longer possible to manage some fields, such as Draw Poles, now fixed

Wizard and Advanced Roads

  • It was introduced the function button Calculate to directly access the calculation window from the windows of the Wizard and Advanced Projects, simplifying the functionality when compared to the previous version
  • Bug-Fix
    • Product Image Management: the product image did not appear in some cases, both on screen and in print
    • Luminaire File Management: the program crashed if it was inadvertently pressed the mouse on the white space on the table sides

Advanced Tunnels

  • Row duplication
    • The function to duplicate a row of luminaires has been implemented
  • Some improvements have been introduced in the management of the tables of the Advanced Tunnels module:
    • it is now possible to delete the circuit from the device rows
    • the individual parameter cells can be edited by a single click instead of 2 as it was before
    • the lists of the multiple choice fields (the so-called ListBox) have now highlighted the current value
  • The limits of the maximum number of luminaires per row (now 300 luminaires) and the maximum row length (now 2 km) have been changed. The new limits are:
    • maximum 1000 devices per row
    • maximum length of 4 km
  • Bug-Fix
    • Advanced Roads / Tunnel Project - Entering the editing window of the Advanced Roads Project and then the Advanced Tunnel one it was no longer possible to manage some fields, now fixed

Wizard and Advanced Tunnels

  • It was introduced the function button Calculate to directly access the calculation window from the windows of the Wizard and Advanced Projects, simplifying the functionality when compared to the previous version
  • Bug-Fix
    • Product Image Management: the product image did not appear in some cases, both on screen and in print
    • Luminaire File Management: the program crashed if it was inadvertently pressed the mouse on the white space on the table side


  • The management of the calculation mesh definition between Automatic, with which the program follows the setting of the selected standard, and not Automatic, with which the operator can define the total calculation points in the longitudinal direction to the road has been introduced. The definition takes place within the Road or Tunnel setting window
  • The definition of the longitudinal direction calculation points in the Tunnel module has been changed: now the program considers, in automatic configuration, always 10 points between the 2 consecutive luminaires with the minor interdistance
  • The vertical, cylindrical and semi-cylindrical calculations have been improved: they now consider the indirect interriflections coming from the different surfaces
  • The management of accuracy has been improved, in particular:
    • faster calculations in the case of low accuracy (slider all the way to the left) (in this case it will not be possible to obtain good quality renderings)
    • higher quality rendering with high accuracy (cursor to the right)

    Anyway, this does not affect the correctness of the calculated values in all situations

  • The calculations of the values of vertical, cylindrical and semi-cylindrical illumination were underestimated: it was corrected
  • Dump TI calculations
    • Automatic dump (saving) of TI calculations in CSV files in the ImpExp folder is activated. The file is called Ti_Export.csv
  • It was modified the functionality of the Calculation Window: it is now possible to directly access the results summary window without waiting for a previous confirmation via the Close button


  • Configuration window
    • It was moved to MENU\Tools\Settings but it can be still recalled from the usual icon in the rendering window
    • Added other standard resolutions
    • The parameter saving was fixed
    • Changed the management in the Open configuration to 640x480 px


  • Luminaire display
    • Activated the display of the luminaires by default on the results, both numerical and graphical, con possibilità di disattivazione mediante relativo bottone/icona
  • Uniformity and transversal averages
    • Diversified by roads and tunnels: they are deactivated on the roads, activated for tunnels

  Liswin - Interactive Electronic Catalog


  • The UNIxml file export function has been implemented: it allows to create n UNIxml files following the UNI 11733 format and, in particular, all data-sheet parameters defined at the Italian CAM n.6 section of the same standard
  • The Sub-Models field was introduced at Liswin and Lisdat, it's then now possible to manage Models and Sub-models
  • Bug-Fix
    • The program did not correctly pass the photometry to Litecalc when selecting a luminaire with more than 4 linked photometries

  Watch the film showing the new features and enhancements:

  Watch the introductory video: