• A pop-window informing about the forthcoming expiry date of the Maintenance Contract will appear on your screen during the 30 days prior to that date. This window also includes the links:
    • e-commerce to access the e-commerce section in WebOxy
    • Maintenance Contract Form to download the form to be fulfilled and sent back to OxyTech

  Photoview - Photometry Management

  • The new File/Batcher menu has been introduced and includes the following features:
    • FDB >> OXL - for the conversion of the photometries included in the old Fotom.FDB LITESTAR database to the new OXL files for LITESTAR 4D
    • Dir to Dir - function for the conversion of n LDT, IES or OXL photometries in n IES, LDT, OXL files and/or graphs and/or tables. This function allows to select the items to export through the related window. The files are saved in 2 folders named Graphics and Photometries
    • Batcher - for the customized management of n photometric files, like, for example, the automatic production of n files of a certain kind (photometric files, graphics, tables etc.) from a limited number of files (this feature is particularly useful when managing data updates of LED luminaires)
  • Photoview allows now to add the product image to the program window and can be saved into OXL files together with the photometry
  • The activation of the functions Edit Table and Join Photometries is no longer possible with the Open configuration but with the Pro one only

  Lisdat - Catalog data Management

  • The import of LDT, IES and OXL files has been modified to avoid overwriting source data with the same code (as in LEDs, for example...) but different flux data, CCT and CRI: ora il programma crea in importazione un codice formato da Codice + CCT + CRI
  • The import of OXL files created with Photoview, including the product image and photometry, was activated
  • 40 new parameters have been introduced for a more accurate management of both generic and emergency lighting luminaires, or sources

  Litecalc - Lighting Design and Planning

  • Road Lighting following EN 13201:2015 - the new EN 13201:2015 European Standard was added to the road lighting feature; it includes the management of the new road lighting classes, the new TI and REI (EIR - Edge Illuminance Ratio: it replaces the previous SR (Surround Ratio)) calculation and the energy assessment detailed at the new EN 13201-5:2015 section, including the new Dp (PDI - Power Density Indicator) and De (AECI - Annual Energy Consumption Indicator) indicators
  • Tunnel
    • the new luminance graph in both linear and logarithmic scale has been introduced
    • the printing of the luminance graphics following the Adrian's method at the entrance portal of road tunnels has been introduced
  • the function that allows to modify an OXL with photometry and 3D using drag&drop in the OXL Editor window has been introduced; it can be activated through the OXL Editor function at the Tools menu
  • Import of files includes now file formats such as Cibse TM-14, LTLI, CIE 102, CEN 13032 and Astan, besides the already available IES and Eulumdat ones
  • Calculation Algorithm
    • stability has been improved
    • the error on 3DS files of big dimensions has been fixed: previously lighting effects were not rendered

  Liswin - Interactive Electronic Catalog

  • Create Catalog - the function for the creation of a new folder/catalog directly from the main window in Liswin has been activated
  • Import of LDT, IES and OXL files with drag&drop has been modified to avoid overwriting of source data with an identical code (as in the case of LED) but different flux, CCT and CRI data: when importing the program now creates a code with the format Code + Flux + CCT + CRI
  • OXL files created through Photoview can now be imported using the drag&drop feature
  • Select Luminaire - the error that didn't allow luminaire selection from the selection function in Litecalc has been fixed
  • New Description Addition Filter (DBFilter) - the error that didn't allow the proper functioning of the automatic loading of the new field descriptions of the database has been fixed

  WebCatalog - Internet Browser of the Interactiv Electronic Catalog

  • It is possible now to download the following types of files from the manufacturers' WebCatalog:
    • OXL
    • RFA (for Revit)
    • as well as the standard Eulumdat and IES formats