
  • The new Launcher has been activated, a new system for:
    • the launch of the different modules of LITESTAR 4D
    • the program licenses management, which is now centralized for all the different program modules
    • the license purchase
    • the visualization of OxyTech's innovations and news about software, hardware and services
    • the access to OxyTech's Website (WebOxy) and LITESTAR Project section

  Photoview - Photometric and Spectrometric Data Management

Spectrum Data TAB

  • user can now choose to integrate .RAW files obtained through spectrum measurements performed with OxyTech goniophotometers according to EN 13032-4:2015 and LM-79-08
  • integrated spectrum assessment according to EN 13032-4 with weighted mean in radiance
  • increase of the number of samples used to calculate the CRI (Color Rendering Index) from 8 to 15
  • background color management: background color can now be defined as it happens for all graphics

Energy Efficiency Assessment TAB

  • The new label for the assessment of the IPEA* parameter of luminaire energy efficiency according to the Third Level of the CAM (Minimum Environmental Criteria) of the Decree of the Italian Ministry of the Environment approved on september 27th 2017

Isocandle Curves TAB

  • Isocandle cartesian graph according to ECE standard with a limited set of angles displayed (H -35°+35° and V -20°+10°) has now been added (Automotive Cartesian)

Emergency Interdistance Assessment

  • A new configuration window for setting the minimum illuminance values in escape routes and anti panic areas, as well the maintenance factor, has been added

BugFix - UGR

  • the last 2 columns at the right of the UGR table showed the same value

BugFix - Road Classification TAB

  • G* parameter for classes 1,2 and 3 according to EN 13201:2015 was not evaluated correctly for luminaires with emission over Gamma-90° in the case of intensities higher than 0; this has now been fixed

  Litecalc - Lighting Design and Planning


  • Results Zoom – a new function allowing to manage zoom in, both, regular and irregular areas composed of straight and curved segments, has been added
  • The design grid is not displayed automatically after pseudo colors
  • A wait cursor has been added when opening a project via drag&drop
  • A window proposing to save the project when the user is about to exit the program or change the program has been added
  • The project name has been added to the TitleBar
  • A new function for managing the MRU (Most Recently Used files) has been added
  • The support for access to https:// OxyTech sites - instead of the previous http:// - has been added

Roads and Tunnels

  • The reflection coefficient for sidewalks has been set from 40% to 30%


  • The calculation of vertical illuminance values on roads has been set at h+1.5m in relation to the plan


  • the following functions regarding the management of the result chart has been added:
    • Turn of all points displaying the minimum value
    • Turn off all calculation points below a certain value
    • Turn off all points within the perimeter
    • Turn on all points within the perimeter
    • Switch all on or off points
    • Turn off all points
    • Turn on all points
  • the value charts has been modified: values are now displayed in red if they are higher than the average value, whereas they are displayed in black when lower. Minimum values are displayed within a blue box, the average ones within a green box (in this case only values within a +/- 0,5% range are considered) and the maximum ones within a red box
  • Roads and Tunnels – Cylindrical illuminance values have been removed from the results chart
  • Functions to manage both, the saving and opening, of the grid configuration have been added
  • The functions to activate the display of furniture and luminaires in the results with an On-Off button have been added, including virtual places and Dxf background files
  • Export of individual results to .CSV file which can then be edited in Excel
  • The units of measurement have been added in both uniformity and transverse averages
  • The automatic scaling of the toolbars for grid and uniformities management has been added


  • The Transposition feature for the results export into Excel CSV format has been added ( Menu Tools \ Settings \ Export to CSV ): it allows to define the delimiting character of the field description and the separation between the fields


  • The bug causing the program crash regarding both setUserData and reloadString has been fixed by extending from 256 Mbytes to Gbytes
  • The calculation of semi-cylindrical illuminance values wasn’t made at 1.5m as requested by 13201
  • The refresh of minimum, average and maximum values, when modifying the grid selection on the results tree placed on the left, has been added
  • The management of extended characters, like ° or ®, has been fixed (the correction regards Liswin, Litecalc and PhotoView that did not read properly these characters from OXL, LDT or IES files)
  • Results - The error that led to crashes of the program in some situations while displaying the results has been corrected
  • Printouts - The wrong overlay of the table field descriptions in the printout table has been corrected
  • Saving/Opening Projects in Unicode - Projects in which the description is made up of special characters used in certain languages can now be saved and opened
  • Isolux Curves - Isolux curves were drawn outside the area edges in the case of specially irregular areas; this has now been fixed

  Lisdat - Catalog Data Management

Database Management via Excel

  • The following functions have been introduced:
    • automatic database creation from standard OxyTech Excel file
    • exporting the whole database (Oxydata.mdb file) to OxyTech standard Excel file



  • Functional and Webcatalog management enhancements have been introduced:
    • the technical research mode has been expanded with the introduction of special fields for emergency lighting products
    • the possibility of activating the WebCatalog via Login and Password has been enabled
    • the control of unspecified parameters so that they do not appear in the product and technical data sheet has been improved