

  • you can freely use your Eulumdat, IES, IESxml, UNIxml, OXL files ... as well as the next generation ones, starting from the free (Open) version downloadable from our website
  • you can freely save your photometric and spectrum data in the open database of the program,  which allows an orderly and simple management
  • you can freely download product data from the manufacturers' WebCatalogs
  • you can freely carry out lighting design or horticultural projects in PAR unitss or UV in radiometric units
  • you can use a program developed thanks to the close but independent collaboration with all the professionals involved in the lighting sector, from manufacturers to designers, from public bodies to distributors



LITESTAR 4D is the philosophy of freedom 

Carry out your Lighting Design Projects
in complete freedom. Choose LITESTAR 4D!

See also