LITESTAR 4D - General Functions

Duplicate in Line Function

Now the function takes the last value entered as the default duplication value Photoview

  Photoview - Photometric and Radiometric Data Management in the Visible, Horticultural and Radiometric (UV)

Exchange Files Import

The function for importing TTL files from TechnoTeam goniophotometers is now available


A module for radiometric evaluation of spectra with specific analysis of different bands has been added

Batcher Plus

  • Funtion Generate File from OXL with Currents has been added to generate n LDT, IES LM-63, IES TM-33 UNI 11733 and OXL files starting from OXL files which include flux and power curves according to the driving currents. The function allows you to define, alternatively, the flux step, the power step or the current step from which to generate the relative files. The name of the generated file includes the addition of the flux, power and current values
  • An option allowing to select the photometric (Eulumdat and IES LM-63) and photo-spectrometric (IES TM-33 (IESxml), UNI 11733 (UNIxml) and OXL) files to generate has been added

Bug Fix

UGR - Fixed bug when calculating table with SHR (Spacing to Height Ratio) values of 0.5 and 1

  Photoview Web - Server Web for  the generation of photometric files, graphics and tables via the Web in totally automatic mode
  • Function for automatic creation via Web of IES TM-33 files (IESxml) has been created
  • Function for automatic creation of LDT and IES files with different flux and power values starting from OXL files with flux and power curves according to the driving currents has been introduced

   Litecalc – Lighting Desing Project in the Visible, Horticultural and Radiometric (UV) Fields


Dimmer management has been modified: now, varying the dimmer between 0 and 100% the corresponding flux and power values are proportionally modified. Furthermore, if the imported file is an OXL with flux-power curves f(currents), the dimmer is automatically deactivated

Road Lighting

  • standard CIE 140-2019 has been implemented among the available standards and recommendations
  • option lumianire row suspended on the roadway on wire has been added to the list of luminaire configurations


  • Energy efficiency calculation according to RD 1890/2008 has been modified according to the new Spanish RD 18/2022
  • The function for calculating the RGB values in the calculation grid points of all planes and surfaces has been activated. In the case of illuminance values, the program shows the RGB values in the calculation grid given by the sum of the different light components in the various points without considering the reflection of the surface, which is instead considered in the case of luminance values. This function is particularly useful in the case of colored lighting of facades or statues

  • Calculation of DPI (Power Density) for different surfaces of the room and for virtual planes

  • Roads and Tunnels - Calculation of the contrast revealing coefficient qc


  • Aimings are now displayed both on screen and on printouts
  • The program now eliminates the result values below the furniture and extruded furniture for the surfaces in contact with the floor
  • Display of the results of the calculation of the specific power density of the illuminated virtual surfaces and planes
  • Roads and Tunnels – Display of the qc contrast revealing coefficient charts

Dxf Export

The Dxf Export function of the project data and results has been enhanced:

  • the legend of the luminaires is now exported
  • the different types of luminaires are represented in different colours
  • the nomenclature of the luminaires in the drawing has been modified and now linked to the legend
  • aimings have been added


  • Printouts have been modified:
    • the graphic appearance and organization of the charts have been improved
    • functions to print in groups luminaires of the same type but set differently have been introduced
    • results display has been modified
    • the management of printing the index on multiple pages has been improved
  • Printing of the DPI (Power Density) of the different surfaces and virtual planes of the room

Road Plus

The Road Plus function has been implemented to manage the Spanish RD 1890/2008 and RD 18/2022 with the automatic calculation of the various parameters provided. The program is also able to optimize the lighting solution based on the selected road class in the case of using OXL files with flux and power curves according to the driving currents.