Software for Emergency Lighting

LITESTAR 4D Litecalc - Emergency lighting is the program module for the management of emergency lighting installations and includes the following functions:

  • design and management of indoor areas through 2 different modes: wizard and advanced (free)
  • manual definition of escape routes, inner and outer emergency exits, safety points and high risk areas
  • manual insertion of luminaires or, alternatively, selection of luminaries according to the different zones (for Emergency Plus version only)
  • automatic positioning of the selected luminaires for the different zones according to the lighting parameters set (for Emergency Plus version only) which can be defined by the user through the corresponding dialog box. The program automatically checks the level of illuminance achieved and suggests, in case of non-correspondence, the automatic addition of luminaries ultil the achievement of the expected level
  • definition of special calculation areas through regular and irregular working planes

Standards and Norms of Reference

  • EN 1838
  • definition of local standards through the corresponding window
